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Three male Northern Plains Railroad workers installing a new train track

Track Design, Construction, & Maintenance

Design it. Build it. Maintain it.

Two male Northern Plains Railroad workers repairing a train track


Design & Construction

In the U.S., Northern Plains Rail Services offers unparalleled service in every step of railroad track design and construction. On both sides of the border, we will provide our expertise in conceptual plans for track expansion design and work with your Class I railroad partner on feasibility and pre-project planning. Next, we get to work building your track and continue to offer our partnership services to help with expansion projects as you grow.

New Construction:


Subgrade, Drainage, Roadways

Industrial Sidings and Trackage

Main Line Trackage

Switches and Turnouts

Yard Tracks and Full Loop Tracks


Unexpected events are inevitable in the railroad industry, from water damage to stressful accidents. We help you maintain and repair your tracks, offering regular track inspection services and prevention techniques that help overcome these challenges.

Track Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair:

Crosstie Installation and Surface Replacement

Emergency or Routine Repair and Maintenance

Rail Change Outs, Broken Rail Repair

Regular Track Inspection Services

Repairs to Switch Components

Track Rehabilitation

Track Rehabilitation:

Reconditioning Turnouts, Switch Points, and Welding Switch Frogs

Reconstruction and Removal of Track

Thermite Welding and Profile-rail Grinding

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